Thursday, October 3, 2013

Welcome to the First Annual International Packaged Snack Tasting Event

Auction Packages

Our special guest, the Abominable Snowman

Jill and Snowman: being awesome! :)

Classy music, classy moves.

Masters of Ceremony, Brian and Kate 

Presenting.... Canadian Candy! 

We were served by members of the JROTC, they were AMAZING! Very impressed with them.

Brian Shelley

Mr. Canada, Himself

Settling a tie with Rock, Paper, Scissors

Winner! Andrea Burgess

Snowie doesn't speak, but luckily he brought his handy white board.

Honoring Tasha, the amazing Super Store employee

Fast, efficient and very courteous servers! Everyone enjoyed being called 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' for a night :)

Steve came up with some great Trivia

NO ONE knew what a Bunny Hug was :)

$1 is called a Loonie.. what is a $2 called?


When all is said and done...

It was a great success!

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